קול קורא לשליחת הצעות מחקר משותפות בנושא פרוייקטים המשווים עירוניות בהודו ובישראל

מענק לזוכים ינתן מטעם מרכז המחקר לעירוניות משווה של אוניברסיטת תל אביב והמכון הטכנולוגי של הודו במדראס RCCU

קול קורא לשליחת הצעות מחקר משותפות בנושא פרוייקטים המשווים עירוניות בהודו ובישראל
מרכז המחקר לעירוניות משווה RCCU של אוניברסיטת תל אביב (TAU) והמכון הטכנולוגי של הודו במדראס (IITM) מזמינים את קהילת האוניברסיטה להגיש הצעות מחקר המשוות בין סוגיות עירוניות בהודו ובישראל. מצורף בזאת הקול הקורא:


Research Center for Comparative Urbanism (RCCU)


Call for Proposals on

Joint research projects comparing India-Israel urbanism


In order to initiate research cooperation between TAU and IITM in the fields of urbanism, cities, their planning and design, the new Research Center for Comparative Urbanism (RCCU) of TAU and IIT-Madras, announces this competitive call for a joint research projects between researchers from TAU and IITM.


The TAU-IITM joint research projects are intended to motivate researchers at both universities to identify comparative and thus complementary research issues in the area of urbanism and urbanization, with a potential to establish long term research relations between the two universities. The projects should have a clearly defined research focus and goals that will serve as a catalyst for the development of more comprehensive research projects.


Three research grants are offered of 5000 US$ each. The aim of each grant is to act as seed-money for the preparation of larger scale research proposals to be submitted to national and international research foundations. The RCCU together with the research authorities at each university will advise the winning teams about potential research foundations.


The selection of the three finalist teams will be made based on the academic promise of the proposed project, the potential long-term impact on fostering collaborations between TAU and IITM researchers, and the likelihood of attracting follow-on funding from external sources.


Each research teams will first send to the RCCU an expression of interest (EoI) that will include the following: Principal Investigators (name, academic position and affiliation); and a short (150-200 words) abstract pronouncing the teams research intentions. Based on the RCCU’s feedback to the EoI, the teams will prepare the final proposals.



The principal investigators can be faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students at IIT-Madras and/or TAU. Preferably, each collaborative team will be composed of principal investigators from both IIT-Madras and TAU. However, Collaborating investigators might be also from other institutions in India or Israel. The research must be conducted in Israel or India.


Submission of expression of interest: 15.09.2022.
Submission of the final proposal:


The topic of the proposal should relate to urbanization and the urban environment. Proposals should include the following: Project Title; Principal Investigators (name, academic position and affiliation); collaborative investigators (name, academic position and affiliation); Abstract (not exceeding 350 words). Proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to: the RCCU at urban@tauex.tau.ac.il. Proposals submission will be confirmed electronically via email.

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות יש לפנות למערכת הפניות >>